(66) 0-3487-8068-9     

Coal Gasifier

We offer the best in gasification technology for all your needs!

We provide two types of Coal Gasifiers, as below:

  • - Non Water Cooling Heating Furnace
  • - Vaporization Cooling Heating Furnace

  • Coal Gasifier

Non Water Cooling Heating Furnace:

  • The non-water cooling heating type furnace is built with abase wall and a slide track using heat resistant steel and otherheat resistant materials.
  • The system consists of a concise configuration where its billet provides maximum potential for heat generation, that also contributes to a 20% energy-saving effect.
  • These types of furnaces are used for by modern day iron and steel enterpriseslooking for a low cost and reliable investment.


Vaporization Cooling Heating Furnace:

  • Our unique vaporization cooling heating furnaces designs have resolved the issues faced by most other types of the same furnace that integrate vaporization coolingself-cycling.
  • The system consists of a heating furnace where there is more than 6m of unburnt earthis more than, completely negating any potential fire hazards that may arise due to the functioning of the vaporization cooling system.